Creative Testing in 24 Hours

Swayable lift metrics prove the impact of your creative before spending on media.

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Test any format


Any stage of development
Messaging, copy, concept mockups, storyboards, videos, still images, final assets


Any creative element

Spokespeople, pricing, packaging, audience segments


Any stage of the funnel

Awareness, favorability, consideration, purchase intent


Customized Metrics

Swayable's suite of impact metrics provides marketers with the best evidence available to evaluate creative content and messaging. Measure brand lift, consideration, purchase intent, or impact on any other attitude, intention or opinion.

Audience Segmentation

Break down results with fully flexible segmentation, taking advantage of unprecedented statistical power to measure impact on almost any custom segment. Demographics, behavioral segmentation and more complex definitions can be mixed and combined live to match the needs of your campaign's strategy.


Results in 24 hours

Get results live in 24 hours from thousands of respondents, with real-time analysis of impact scores, long-form feedback, and emotional reactions.


Increase ROI over 100%

You only improve what you measure. Swayable pre-test results unlock enormous increases in the performance of marketing campaigns because they identify upfront what impact the creative can cause. Campaigns are routinely achieving 2X increases in ROI, and even greater increases when results are used to power systematic agile creative marketing operations.


Applying Science to Persuasion

Swayable was created by experimental scientists and engineers to apply real science and modern machine learning to the question what changes minds?


The platform deploys high-powered randomized controlled trials (RCTs), the gold standard proof of causal impact, to isolate the impact of creative assets and give you the best evidence possible on message persuasion.

Start testing today. Receive insights in under 24 hours.