How Health-Ade Kombucha Drove Brand Lift With Swayable



Kombucha brand Health-Ade was in the middle of developing a campaign, but they were not sure what kind of messaging would best drive brand lift and in-store sales.


Swayable tested 3 of Health-Ade’s past campaigns to identify which kind of advertising style works best, looking at the following metrics:

•  Brand interest

•  Purchase intent

•   Product Benefits


After 24 hours, the Swayable platform identified how each past campaign drove purchase intent and brand lift. Swayable also identified a clear winner: a concept focused on enjoying Nachos with the help of Health-Ade kombucha.


"We used the Swayable data to inform the creative brief for our next spot. Nachos was simple to understand for consumers and drove a lot of appetite appeal with food pairing in both the live action as well as the animation. In our new spot ‘Dinner Party’, we took inspiration from what we knew worked the hardest thanks to Swayable."

- Sandra Heidrich, Senior Director of Brand Marketing


Using the Swayable platform, Health-Ade could see how their spots affected desired associations around digestion and probiotics:


Learn what works in 24 hours.