How Truff Hot Sauce

Optimized TV Ads With Swayable

A restaurant patron and a waiter who's pouring Truff hot sauce, with the Truff logo overlaid.


Truff, a digital native brand, was about to launch its first-ever national TV campaign, and they wanted to make sure it was a success.  But they were unsure which concept would result in the highest payoff. They also wanted to target the right audience.

Our challenge was twofold: 
  • • Help Truff determine which TV concept would best drive sales for Truff
  • • Identify which audiences Truff should target
  1. I didn't want to spend 4 weeks and thousands of dollars to find out it wasn't working. - Calvin Lammers, SVP eCommerce, Truff



Truff tested multiple TV videos in Swayable, measuring a combination of brand lift and purchase intent attributes. Truff also added custom metrics, including "Would Try" and "Would add to my food."


"Audience targeting for TV can be tough to measure. With streaming TV you can get some targeting insights, but linear TV you don't; it's a bit of a black box. In Swayable’s test we saw that our ads performed well with certain markets. So, we used the data to target which networks to run the ads on and reach those audiences." - Calvin Lammers, SVP eCommerce, Truff

A Swayable dashboard breaking down two campaigns by age and hot sauce consumption, and measuring "would try" and "would add to my food" metrics.


Swayable identified the top concept, and which groups were most swayed by the campaign, which allowed Truff to select the channels with audiences most likely to love Truff's ad. Immediately post launch, Truff reported an increase in Google brand search, and lift in Amazon traffic.


"Overall, the level of detail and how far you can dig down into the Swayable results impressed me. I had an idea about the platform, but the overall sentiment analysis, getting a look at 5 different audiences, seeing what worked, what didn't - there are a lot of great insights applicable for future creative." - Calvin Lammers, SVP eCommerce, Truff

The winning ad:

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